The Perils of Penelope Pitstop
"The Perils of Penelope Pitstop" was the first spin-off show from the "Wacky Races" (1968) series. "Dastardly and Muttley in Their Flying Machines" (1969) was the second.
The series was modeled after the silent films of the 1920’s, specifically "The Perils of Pauline".
The Ant Hill Mob consisted of Clyde (leader), Dum Dum (the dummy of the gang), Zippy (super fast), Pockets (who carries a seemingly unlimited supply of gizmos and gadgets), Snoozy (he kept sleeping), Softy (he always cries), Yak Yak (posesses a nervous giggle).
Janet Waldo (Penelope - voice) lent her voice to various other cartoons such as "The Jetsons" (1962), and "Josie and the Pussycats" (1970).
Veteran actor Paul Lynde performed the voice of Sylvester Sneekly / The Hooded Claw but went uncredited.
Paul Lynde (Sylvester Sneekly / The Hooded Claw - voice) also starred in "Bewitched" as Uncle Arthur. He aslo starred in "Bye Bye Birdie" - later appearing in "The Paul Lynde Show" with a similar cast.