[opening narration] Jeff Tracy: "Stand by for action. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Thunderbirds are go!"
Jeff Tracy: "OK, boys. That's the brief. It's our first assignment, so make it look good."
[Jeff Tracy and Grandma Tracy are watching Thunderbird 2 lifting off from the runway] Grandma Tracy: "It's not going to be dangerous, is it?" Jeff Tracy: "Of course it's not going to be dangerous, Mother. There's nothing to worry about. Alan's got an excellent head for heights, and he's just going to fix the aerial now, that's all." Grandma Tracy: "Well, there's nothing to worry about." Jeff Tracy: "That's right."
Lady Penelope: "I fail to see why you're still laughing, Virgil. I just don't like mice, that's all."